Arturia pigments plugin presets and patches

Arturias new VSTI plugin wavetable synthesizer
Pigments is their latest software instrument synthesizer from 2018.
A modern version of a hybrid analog and wavetable synth with extensive modulation capabilities and a great interface.
The interface
The interface is unique and user friendly. The modulation system is like no other new synth. All in all a clever GUI design.
The synth has 2 engines that can be set to analog, sample, or wavetable. The analog engine can have up to 3 old-style analog oscillators and it can import user wavetables and supports morphing.
The filters are the filters from V Collection plus some new interesting ones.
The synth has 3 envelopes that can be assigned to control any of the controllable parameters.
Modulation is one of the synthesizer's strongest points. Clever modulation design GUI that animates the modulation sources and destinations.
The V3 host
The host that runs Arturia V Collection synth is also used in Pigments.
- Windows resize
- A clever Midi learn system
- Easy preset browser by instrument category and filter properties
- Good Bank system for 3. party presets
- Easy Modulation system
- Hosted in the same V3 Host as Arturia V Collection synthesizers
- It uses Arturias default host used in all other their synthesizers. It has window resize and an easy preset browser.
- Features like Functions, Random and Combinate
- Good effects
- New version 2 free update with new oscillators
- Great new update with essential add ons
- CPU usage can be high
- Not a cheap synth
Pigments 2 update
Arturia Pigments version 2 with new great presets
In late 2019 Arturia software released a V2 update. Version 2 was a free update and added a valuable new Sample engine with a granular synthesis option. A welcomed new feature for an already great synthesizer ready for even more music.
No products availabe at the moment.
We are propably working on some.